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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Josh, I know exactly how it feels.

Man Shot In Accident After Laughing At Cheney

(AP) LAFAYETTE, Colo. Hours after laughing about Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting mishap, Josh Kayser was himself shot by a friend during a hunting expedition.

"I read that thing about the vice president and said to myself 'how can you shoot your friend with your gun?' And look what happened," he said Tuesday.

Had you also been discussing the Valerie Plame leak with your friend, Josh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have a conspiracy going on here...

3:39 PM  
Blogger Harry Whittington said...

I guess so, robot. It's funny you ask if I have a ride home. I just got a call from Gaylord--a very kind man, and he is going to pick me up.

5:43 PM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

According to the way they're telling it on tv Harry, you should be well enough to run all the way home.

We haven't heard your voice, no one in your family is talking to the press, and we can't see your picture.....so I'm wondering what's really going on?

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This website is not funny and very stupid and is a reflection of a real liberal.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, I just caught your presser and you are looking good- if I didn't already know I'd have sworn the V.P. hadn't shot you in the face within the past week.

You went back into the hospital just to hug the doctors, right???

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, I've decided to come clean with my version of the events. I hope you don't mind. I assure you, none of it reflects poorly upon you.

As for that human-hunting fiend you call the Vice President, well . . . We should all be judged by our actions, don't you think?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, how much did they have to pay you to tell Dick you're sorry for getting in the way?

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think Harry that your friend shot you more than anything to detract attention from his other problems. That is what some GOP members are saying, see here:

GOP finds silver lining in Cheney’s hail of lead

You can add one more distinction to the modern GOP: they’re pleased that Dick Cheney shotgunned a hunting companion.

It’s not that they don’t feel sorry for Cheney’s victim, Harry Whittington, although a number of Cheney loyalists blame Whittington for the shooting: it’s that the incident has diverted press attention from Cheney’s other, more serious problems, most notably Scooter Libby’s testimony that Cheney authorized him to leak classified information at the vice president’s convenience.

It may seem remarkable that a shooting by the vice president, and a subsequent short-term coverup complete with lingering, contradictory accounts of the incident, could come as a relief (or not: this is, after all, the Bush administration). But according to Associated Press White House reporter Ron Fournier, that’s exactly what several Republicans are saying.

Fournier quotes Republican Congressman Tom Cole as saying it’s “hard to believe that anybody can make Dick Cheney a sympathetic figure,” but “that’s what the media has done,” and he goes on to describe the reaction of other GOP stalwarts.

Republicans say they are pleasantly surprised that the intense media coverage of the hunting accident has shifted attention from the case of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Cheney’s former chief of staff. Libby is accused of misleading investigators about who leaked the identify of a CIA official.

In documents released two weeks ago, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald said he understood that Libby’s superiors authorized him to disclose to the media details of a secret report that is central to the investigation. What does Cheney know? “It’s nothing I can talk about,” he said in a television interview Wednesday. “I may well be called as a witness at some point in the case and it’s, therefore, inappropriate for me to comment on any facet of the case.”

That’s the scandal to watch, Republicans said.

The hunting accident “really has gotten Scooter Libby out of the press,” said Deb Gullett, a GOP activist from Phoenix, who is chief of staff to the city’s mayor. “But it will come back.”

Gullett is probably right about Scooter’s renascence, and it may happen sooner rather than later; the Kenedy County Sheriff’s Department today cleared Cheney of wrongdoing.

You have to wonder, given the GOP reaction, if they didn’t see Whittington’s heart attack as something of a blessing as well; the longer he remains hospitalized and at risk for complications, the longer the incident will remain in the news. And you have to marvel at a vice president whose image — according to Republicans, anyway; I’m not so sure they’re right, and if they are it’s just bizarre — is actually improved by something like this.

Maybe 911 really did change everything.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It funny how all the other anonymouses here are upset at the danged libruls behind this blog...

Lighten up, rednecks!

We're entitled to a few yuks when the VP fucks up this bad, ain't we?

Awwww... go soak your collective conservative brain-free heads...


2:20 PM  

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